Our Gastronomy

culinary art

The popular dishes of Tindouf are distinguished by the diversity of their ingredients, spices, and deliciousness, the most famous of which are:
Banafa: which is mixture of liver, heart, hebra, camel peak, and meat of felka.
Balgman: It is a mixture of roasted wheat and boiling water, to which ghee or milk is added.
Tedeqit:It is floured or ground meat, to which the thawed top of the camel is added.
In addition to couscous, traditional bread, seffah, soup … etc.
Among the drinks are:Lamris, which is made from a mixture of roasted and prepared barley and is served as a drink in the summer, syrup, Tagmakht (Kahamni), cinnamon and peanut syrup, the starch made from wheat or lentils cooked and a little flour is added to it… and others.
Tea: Tea in the family of Tindouf is considered necessary, especially for honoring the guest or after meals, and it has a “very special” way of preparing and sipping it, as it is cooked on hot coals using traditional pots, three cups are drunk from it, the first of which is low in sugar, the second is medium with mint, and the third is light, in a rather long period of time, as one of the tea rituals of the people of the region.

Balgman à la graisse de chèvre
Dishisheh au blé
Pain Milla
Beurre De Brebis